Chapter thirteen is about the change in Hester. The "A" no longer means "Adulterer". It now means "Able". Hester has become a big part in the town. She is no longer shy about her situation. She is now more aware that there is something not right with Pearl. She is starting to suspect that by keeping Chillingworth's identity a secret, she is hurting Dimmesdale. 
    -Such helpfulness was found in her,—so much power to do, and power to sympathize,—that many people refused to interpret the scarlet A by its original signification. They said that it meant Able; so strong was Hester Prynne, with a woman’s strength.
   -This passage is when the meaning of the "A" starts to change. When Hester becomes a greater part of everyday life, the "A" changes meaning. She is no longer reduced to the original meaning of the "A". She can now be part of regular society. 

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